Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tuesday, June 19: Workshops & Sala São Paulo

This morning we went to Morumbi Baptist Church and worked with students from Projeto AMIS and Projeto Criar. The variety of art activities was incredible - the project helps student develop skills in orchestra, choir, ballet, theater, and judo, just to name a few. Each of the groups performed for us and it was so special to see how much the arts meant to them. We also performed three songs for the kids that would be performing that evening at Sala.

In the afternoon, more workshop master classes were conducted with high school and college age students at the project.

In the evening was our performance at Sala São Paulo. Even before the concert began, the energy in the full-house audience was incredibly vibrant. The children from the workshops performed at the beginning of the concert and after intermission. They provided an element of fun, Brazilian culture to the evening. Heather Fuller shared her faith story about her and Johnny's loss of Ally. It was a very tender moment that demonstrated God's faithfulness. The recurring response from the audience after the concert was that they could feel the presence of the Lord.

Things you can pray for:
  • Pray that the Lord would energize and refresh us after a day of rest in Rio
  • Pray for safe travels

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