Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thursday, June 21: Mackenzie University Concert

We had an amazing Thursday here in Sao Paulo. We had a morning rehearsal at Mackenzie University and had a delicious, multi-course lunch! 

Kay Hays and Amy Bowen did another art class with children at one of the projects.

At this evening's concert at Mackenzie University, Diane Guthrie sang, Fred Starkweather shared his Faith Story, and the orchestra performed hymn arrangements and Rutter’s Gloria along with the Mackenzie University’s choir.  The concert was attended by university students and members of the community.   We also shared dinner with the Brazilian members of the orchestra. We received pins with an "M" as a gift to wear from Mackenzie University. We’ve made so many new Brazilian friends!! 

Things to pray for:
  • Pray for our final concert at Ingreja Batista Vida Palava Viva tomorrow evening
  • Pray for refreshment for our team members
  • Pray that our final day in Sao Paulo is fruitful and that the Lord would continue moving in the lives of those we've encountered

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