Sunday, June 24, 2018

Friday, June 22: Igreja Batista Palavra Viva

Our final day in Sao Paulo included some much needed rest for the team. Many slept in and finished some shopping to take back gifts to family and friends. We met in the afternoon for our last devotional time as a team. It was a meaningful time of sharing.

After devotionals, we went to Igreja Batista Palavra Viva for our final church service. The church was warm and welcoming to us, made us a delicious dinner and was very responsive to our testimonies and music selections. The pastor gave a gospel presentation during "What Wondrous Love Is This?".

Our new Brazilian friends that played in the orchestra with us all week were sad to say goodbye. We learned a new word in Portuguese, saudade, which is used to explain the feeling of missing something or someone. But it goes deeper - it's a beautiful word of Portuguese origin, evoking a sense of loneliness and incompleteness. This is the word they used to describe how they would miss us, and we feel the same about them. 

Thank you for all your prayers for our trip. We feel like the Lord used us in a mighty and powerful way to minister to the Brazilian people. We are coming back feeling just as blessed by them. 

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