Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday, June 16: Final Day of Preparation

Today was a wonderful day filled with music and fellowship with our Brazilian friends preparing for the coming week of church services, music workshops with the children, and special performances for the community. Two of our team members started a renovation project today. The rest of us started the day with a rehearsal at Mackenzie University with players that will be joining us for the next week. Some are from local churches and others are from Mackenzie University. We have 3 guest conductors joining us throughout the week - Parcival Modolo, Flavio Regis, and Camp Kirkland.

Diane Guthrie, guest soprano from Texas, joined us to rehearse several of her pieces of music. 

Members of the Orchestra from Morumbi Baptist Church played a special hymn for us after rehearsal. It was so neat to hear them play from their hearts for us.

We enjoyed a delicious Churrascaria for lunch and many of the Brazilian players joined us! It was wonderful to get to know them and experience an authentic Brazilian steakhouse. 

After lunch, we enjoyed a short bus tour through Sao Paulo on the way to Sala Hall. Gabi showed us the financial district, Sao Paulo Opera House, and the Museum of Modern Art, but the moment where we felt the most impact was when we drove by an area highly concentrated by crack addicts. They have taken over this square in front of a Lutheran church. Unfortunately, there was a fire recently inside the church due to this issue, and a historic organ was destroyed in the fire. Drugs have become a major issue in Sao Paulo, and there are many homeless people. 

We arrived at Sala Hall to hear the Sao Paulo Symphony play selections from Franck, Saint-Saens, and Dukas. To say it was glorious is an understatement.  It is currently ranked as the 6th best performance hall in the world! We are all so excited to have the children from the workshops perform with us in this gorgeous symphony hall on Tuesday!

After the concert, we enjoyed dinner at a pizzeria. 

Things you can pray for:
  • Pray for us as we lead music in three church services tomorrow
  • Pray for Kay as she begins teaching art to the children
  • Pray for open hearts to receive the gospel 
  • Pray for our team members to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in conversation and ministry

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